Hey Everyone!
It has been exactly 3 months to the day that I have posted here at the blog. I am sorry for my absence. I really didn't mean to be away for so long! It has been eventful around here, to say the least. Since the last time I have written, another market has come and gone, as well as the whole holiday season.
I can't believe that it is 2012 already...where did 2011 go? It is also hard to believe that this is the start of our 11th year with Serendipity. I feel so grateful for all the blessings in my life, especially for the opportunity to do something I dearly love for a living...I highly recommend it!
2011 brought many changes here at Casa de Whitt...we did some work on the house starting in September after we got a new front door put into the house. Of course, that happened during the HOTTEST week of the summer, and if you live anywhere in the southern US, you know how hot it was. Here's a photo of the new front door. It really changes the look of our home and we love it!
Once that work was finished, we had already decided that we would get rid of carpet in most of the house and add hardwood floors. BUT before that could happen, it was best to get walls painted and get rid of some older furniture for a fresh new look in the house. I spent most of the late summer and into the fall designing and writing the fall patterns, looking for new furniture and ordering sewing new pillows and window treatments, and generally overseeing the work on the house. To say that it was hectic is an understatement!

The work finally finished up mid-October and then market was upon us. The new furniture arrived and basically sat in the house without much else being done decoration-wise. For those of you who know me well, this is just the sort of thing that makes me nuts! I just didn't have the time to devote to decorating that I wanted so I put it on hold until we had market behind us. Once November was here, I was able to slow down a little and get everything back in its place. In hindsight, it was the best way to go but in October it seemed like it would never get here. Here are a few shots from market:
The "girls" got a change of clothes for each day of market again!
On Halloween, just two spidery girls!
My interview for Pat Sloan's radio show!
The rest of the year flew in the blink of an eye! Once I thought I was finished decorating, it was time to ramp up the Christmas decorating. I am a Christmas decorating fiend so I have to start before Thanksgiving. 8 trees and various decorations throughout the house makes for a big mess, but it is glorious when finished! I bought an artificial flocked tree this year. I have ALWAYS wanted one...and I love it!
During the Day
During the Evening
We had a restful Christmas with our family and rang in the New Year with cherished it is time for that FRESH START!!
I will be working on the Spring collection shortly (coming in May) as well as my
THIRD BOOK! I sounds hectic, but I think I am ready to take it on and I do love to keep my hands busy. As I get a little further along, I will give you a few hints about the new book...we are hopeful that it will be available by the close of 2012. That seems like a long time from now, but I know the time will fly as it always does.
I am not much for new year resolutions, but I will say that I will try not to be absent from the blog for 3 months again! It seems like when I have a lot to do, the blog is last on the list. It isn't that the writing is a problem, it is getting all the photos ready that seems to drag me down and I talk myself out of posting because I think I don't have enough time. I promise to try and do better this year!
NOW, if you are still with me here, it is time for that giveaway!
Sew Serendipity Bags came out in late September so I know a lot of you already have had an opportunity to get a copy, but if you haven't, here's your chance! I will be giving away
ONE copy to a lucky winner starting
right now and going until 11:59 CST on Monday evening. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, January 10th.
PLEASE leave
ONLY ONE comment to enter. That makes it fair for everyone. Thanks so much!
Happy Sewing!!